Guest Lectures & Workshops
Guest Lectures
Silas is often asked to deliver guest lectures to music and film students at universities and colleges around the country. These engagements range from single class lectures to extended Composer-in-Residencies.
Sample lecture topics
Creative and business differences between scoring for film, television,
commercials, video games, and the web
The psychology of the director/composer relationship
The functions of "temp music" in scoring and how to decode and analyze its many roles
For guest lectures or private study, please contact Silas through the contact page.
Partnering with Emmy award winning audio company iZotope, Silas created the Commercial Scoring Workshop. The week-long workshop is open to the public, in person or via Skype. This intensive workshop provides participants with hands-on experience as they are guided through through the process of scoring an actual commerical. Workshop lecture topics include creative approaches, technical considerations, budgets, contracts, and an overview of the commercial scoring business structure itself, focusing on where the jobs come from and who gets them. Individualized feedback and specifc career advice is provided in a one-on-one setting.
More info: Commercial Scoring Workshop